All animals entering the grounds, including those showing the pet zoos, children’s barnyard animals, Old McDonald Farms, etc. must meet the requirements of their particular species.
Arkansas livestock (except for Arkansas sheep, goats, horses, steers and rabbits) must be accompanied by a certificate of veterinary inspection is- sued with ninety (90) days prior to exhibition, showing the following:
Negative brucellosis test within 90 days prior to exhibition, for females and bulls 18 months of age and over. All heifers that have calved or are bred must be tested. Animals originating from a Certified Brucellosis Free Herd and Certified Free Herd number is shown on certificate are exempt. If Arkansas is a Class Free State, Arkansas cattle are exempt from testing.
All heifers that are 4– 12 months of age shall be vaccinated before entering show.
Heifers that were born on or after January 1, 1985, that are over 12 months of age and are not official calf-hood vaccinates will not be allowed to show (unless they are from a Brucellosis Certified Free Herd.)
Animals 6 months old or older to be tested negative for brucellosis within 90 days of exhibition or originate directly out of Validated Herd, with validation number and date of last herd test shown on certificate (barrows exempt from brucellosis testing, but must be pseudorabies tested).
Animals to be tested negative for pseudorabies regardless of age within 90 days of the exhibition on a test approved by the State Veterinarian or originate directly out of a Qualified Pseudorabies Free Herd, with qualified herd number and date of last test shown on certificate.
Free of other contagious, infectious and communicable diseases (erysipelas, atrophicrhinitis, etc.); otherwise they will not be allowed to show and will be released from the fairgrounds.
As of July 1, 2001, everyone has to have a premise I.D. number.
Sheep will be inspected on grounds. No sheep showing symptoms of disease, particularly foot rot, sore mouth, sheep pox, and scrapie will be allowed to show. Animals must have scrapie ID tag in ear.
Fair personnel, veterinarians, or state/federal personnel may examine goats on grounds. No goats showing evidence of abscesses, and certainly draining abscesses, will be allowed to show and may be released by fair officials, veterinarians, or state/federal personnel. Goats showing evidence of an- other disease may be re- leased. Animals must have scrapie ID tag in ear.
Negative EIA test re- quired within the past 12 month for all animals over 6 months of age. Nursing foals under 6 months of age are exempt from testing if accompanied by negative test dams. Photo- copies of the test papers will not be accepted; car- bon copies are acceptable. Out-of-state horses must be accompanied by valid certificate of veterinary inspection with individual identification and a rectal temperature reading on each animal.
An official representing the exhibition shall notify the State Veterinarian no later than thirty (30) days prior to the exhibition, giving names, place, inclusive dates and time of the event. The requirements are as follows:
All in-state poultry, which includes domesticated game birds, quail, pheasants, pea fowl, guineas, and turkeys, present at exhibition in Arkansas shall have originated from U.S. Pullorum-Typhoid Clean or equivalent flocks or have had a negative pullorum- typhoid test within ninety (90) days of the movement to the exhibition (pullorum-typhoid testing on fairgrounds during the fair is prohibited). This information will be documented on a NPIP Form VS 9- 3, 90 Day Certificate, NPIP Flock Certification Form or similar certificate which will accompany the poultry during exhibition.
All non-certified birds must be banded (leg or wing band), with a sealed band. Wrap-around plastic bands are not acceptable. In-state waterfowl are exempt from pullorum-typhoid requirements.
Any poultry showing evidence of infectious or contagious disease or in- sect infestation will not be permitted to exhibit.
Record Keeping – The sponsor of the exhibition shall compile a list of all poultry present at exhibition. This list shall contain the name and address of each owner, the number, species, breed, variety, type, sex, and pullorum-typhoid status of all poultry present. A copy of this shall be retained by the sponsor of the exhibition for at least twelve (12) months.