Department 29 - PARADE
Rules for Parade:
The Nevada County Fair Parade will begin at 6:00 pm on Monday, September 9, 2024, at the Prescott City Hall/Senior Citizen Center.
Line-up will begin at the Prescott City Hall/Senior Citizen Center at 5:30 p.m.
The parade route will be:
Turn out from City Hall/Senior Citizen Center onto Main Street.
Down Main Street and turn left between Farmers Bank & Trust and Bank of Delight.
Down 2nd Street and end at Central Baptist Church.
Youth floats–All organizations outside of the schools-church youth groups, 4H, community youth organizations, & Fair Queen Floats.
Community floats - consist of business, factory, commercial and civic organizations.
Cars - any cars entries including queens' contestants.
School Pride Floats - consists of organizations with the school-sports teams, clubs, and organizations.
All Horses must follow Livestock & Poultry Rules and Regulations (under the Rules and Regulations tab).
Awards are as follows:
Youth Floats - $100/$50/$25
Division 2901
101 All Youth Floats
Community Floats - $100/ $50/$25
Division 2902
101 All Community Floats
Cars - $25/$15/$10
Division 2903
101 All Cars
School Pride - $100 - $50 - $25
Division 2904 Prescott Schools
Division 2905 Nevada Schools
101 All School Pride Floats