The Nevada County Fair Pageants are held each year in conjunction with the Nevada County Fair and Livestock Show. The pageants are open to girls aged 0 months to 23 years. This year’s Infant Miss through Little Miss pageants will be held Saturday, September 14th beginning at 10:00 a.m.; Petite Miss through Miss will be held on Saturday, September 14th beginning at 5:00 p.m. Both pageants will be held in the Potlatch Building at the Nevada County Fairgrounds.
Deadline for entry is Saturday, September 7th, 2024
All entries and fees must be received by SEPTEMBER 7th. Make a check or money order (NO CASH) payable to NEVADA COUNTY FAIR PAGEANT and bring to Stacy Jester or Patsy Laughard.
Photogenic pictures are not due at this time.
Entry Fees
All Age Categories - $60 - includes Beauty, Photogenic, Best Dressed, and Most Beautiful
Infant, Baby, Toddler, Tiny, Little, Petite, Young, & Pre-Teen ages will compete in beauty only on stage.
Junior Miss will compete in beauty on stage and private interview.
Miss will compete in beauty on stage and private interview.
All ages will compete in photogenic, best dressed, and most beautiful. Please provide an 8 x 10 photogenic photo for judging.
Contestants must be a Nevada County resident.
For pageant rules and regulations, entry forms, and other information, please visit our Facebook at www.facebook.com/nevadacountyfairpageants
Call or text message Stacy Jester at (870) 602-1234 or Patsy Laughard (870) 796-1480
E-mail at stacyjester1975@gmail.com.